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Parc des Buttes Chaumont
Parc des Buttes Chaumont

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Address: 1 rue Botzaris, 75019 Paris 


1-7 Rue Botzaris

2-6B Manin Street

55 Crimea street

42 Avenue Simon Bolivar


Metro: line 7, Buttes-Chaumont

Hours: Hours  vary according to the  seasons 

Summer 7am-10pm, some days for 24 hours; Winter: 7am-8pm

open on holidays


On-site restaurants and eateries

-Partially accessible to people with reduced mobility

- Picnic areas


Perhaps the most romantic of Paris' parks, it also mixes adventure and leisure. There you will find a place for both relaxation and fun. With many picturesque locations, it is  a space  big. with tortuous and steep paths that bring a special charm. There is also the Belvedere and lake, the most popular spots in the park. We have included the map illustrated by us so that you can not only guide yourself, but choose some areas.

Many tourists give up visiting it because they think it is too far from the center or difficult to access. But not! Can you get from the center of Paris to the park  changing two metro lines in 30 minutes, and yes, it's really worth it! It is the choice of many Parisians for a  Sunday.


You can walk across the lawn on the southwest side of the park between the streets  Manin and Btozaris  (crossing part of the  park),  pass the pink  Bonheur (restaurant), at  Allée de la Cascade and reach the lake.

For children, the big tip is the puppet theater, very popular and traditional, which takes place on Wednesdays (3:30 pm);  Saturdays and Sundays (16:00h). The lake and the ponies are also a hit!

You will have a different experience: seeing Paris from above, without tourists! Take the opportunity to take beautiful photos!

Hard to believe that the park site was once a gypsum quarry. The park was opened in 1867,  at the time of the Universal Exhibition -  l'Exposition Universelle du Champ-de-Mars. Got the name of the mountain -  "Chaumont" - junction of the words "bald" (calvus in Latin) and "mont" (mons in Latin). 



- Belvedere, Temple of La Sybille

- Suspension bridge

- lake

- Waterfall and cave

- puppet theater 

- Rosa Bonheur Restaurant

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